“Souvenir d’Alsace” explores the inner workings of an iconography built, over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and three successive wars, on the close interweaving of picturesque representation and national propaganda.
Charles Fréger draws on historical references borrowed from imagery, illustration, press drawings, manufactured objects and works of historical commemoration. Alsace thus becomes a field for experimentation with these objects of vernacular culture and the mechanisms by which these representations are disseminated.
Carried out over several years, the project involves the participation of local French and German players, intervening at different stages of the creative process. Like the iconography studied and its economy of distribution, which in the industrial age deployed a wide range of media, Charles Fréger’s project brings together various forms of local manufacture, art and craft (ceramics, wooden masks, embroidery, etc.).
The artist’s aesthetic of silhouettes, shadow plays and stage sets is combined with a contemporary reinterpretation of traditional objects. In the long term, this important corpus will offer a panorama of Alsatian visual archetypes, and open the way for reflection on the political forms linked to this iconography, the imaginary world it has forged and the mythology it has served. In a semi-darkness, from which we don’t know whether it emerges or withdraws, the icon inhabits a greyed-out frontier space, where the obviousness it usually displays is not the order of the day.
Mariage à Seebach, 2018
13 photographic silhouettes, Inkjet prints, Photographs shot on the occasion of the Streisselhochzeit, Seebach, France, July 2018
Les alsaciennes, Strasbourg, 2018
Eight ceramic dishes, manufactured by Lunéville-St Clément, France
Transfer printing on ceramics, diameter 32 cm Photographic shots taken at Ateliers M33, Strasbourg, in November 2018 Costumes: Anne Wolff and Jean-Luc Neth. plates: Kalco (transfer printing) and Faïencerie de Lunéville-Saint-Clément.
La danse macabre, théâtre du peuple, Bussang, 2019
La danse macabre, théâtre du peuple, Bussang, 2019 , video instalation, 3’33”
Video footage shot at the Théâtre du Peuple – Maurice Pottecher, Bussang, in November 2019, With dancers from the Groupe d’art Populaire de Berstett and the re-enactment groups Les Chiérothains and Landwehr 109, Costume designers: Olivier Bériot and Romain Fazi, Video and editing assistant : Anne-Charlotte Gellez. Assistant. Choreography: David Berring. sound: Teho Teardo
LLa danse de l'aigle, fort Grossherzog von Baden - Fort Frère, 2019
La danse de l’aigle, video installation, 1’16”
Video footage shot at Fort frère, Oberhausbergen 2019 ,Dancer : Bastien Lefèvre. Costume : Valeria Barrera. Eagle puppet : Jérémy Hazael-Massieux. Video assistant : Simon Fréger. Sound : Emmanuel Savoye. Assistants: Éloïse Ravet & Ramzi Naffah
Ex-voto, Musée alsacien / Manufacture de Luneville-St Clément, 2021
6 ceramic cups, manufactured by Lunéville-St Clément Eight ceramic dishes (10 cm height) *
"Les boches" (d'après Hansi), 2020-22
12 photographs, Offenbourg, Germany, 2020
with the theater BAden ALsace, Offenbourg Wooden mask : Simon Stiegeler, Grafenhausen Straw costumes : Werner Baiker, Empfingen. Costume design : Olivier Bériot. Prop : Cinérégie, Strasbourg. costumes : Sastrería Cornejo, Madrid and Opéra national du Rhin
Le paradis perdu, 2022
Raw glazing on earthenware Set of 41 Sarreguemines earthenware plates , saucers, dishes and cups *
Les souvenirs d'Alsace, Théâtre du peuple, Bussang, 2019
23 photographic prints, shot at Théâtre du Peuple – Maurice Pottecher, Bussang, France, November 2019
With the dancers from the Groupe d’art populaire de Berstett and re-enactment groups Les Chiérothains and Landwehr 109 costume designers: Olivier Bériot and Romain Fazi. Sets and props: Opéra de Rouen Normandie, Opéra national du Rhin, Emmanuelle Hérondelle, Étienne David.
Point de croix, 2021
Red cotton thread embroidery on linen from a photograph, Textile printing: La Coudrerie. embroidery: Élisabeth Dossmann *
Photographic print, 145×190 cm Détail du Rêve d’Édouard Detaille, peint sur un décor d’opéra, Rouen, vers 1920
Schnug, 2021
15 photographic prints, 145 x 110 cm and 101 x 77 cm
at Lichtenberg, Haut-Koenigsbourg and Saint-Ulrich castles, in June 2021, with Les Guerriers d’Avalon, Groupe Hanau-Lichtenberg, Hauvoy, La Volerie des aigles and the Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg. Costume designers: Olivier Bériot and Antoine Fréger,.with the help of Charlie Grilhé and Sastrería Cornejo. Props: Cinérégie, Strasbourg, Emmanuelle Hérondelle, and Stéphane Mouflette.
L'obusite, 2021
Video, 1’16, filmed at L’Odyssée theater in Périgueux, France, in February 2021
Actor : Jules-Angelo Bigarnet. Video assistant and editor: Anne-Charlotte Gellez
Les conscrits, pichet anthropomorphe, 2021-2022
95 ceramic anthropomorphic jugs
Project based on a preparatory shoot in Benfeld, June 2019, with dancers from the Groupe d’art populaire de Berstett. With the support of the Musée de la Faïencerie de Sarreguemines. Modeling: Jean-Louis Puivif. 3d design assistants: Éloïse Ravet and Ramzi Naffah.
Kriegslebkuchen, 2022
“Petits soldats” and “L’homme sauvage”. Photographs printed with edible ink on unleavened paper, on gingerbread.
Assistants conception : Éloïse Ravet and Ramzi Naffah. with the help of Hervé Bohnert, baker in Strasbourg *
La lettre à Fifine, 2021-2023
Video animation of a series of drawings, 4’39”
Documentary research: Christiane Delacroix, with the help of Michel and Anne-Marie Ougier historical advisor: Fred Duval. drawing: Mathieu Ménage. Animation: Alexandre Bourgois, Musée de l’Image, Épinal. sound: Teho Teardo. with the voice of voice of Marie Darrieussecq
Couvre-chefs, 2021-2022
7 photographs, Belfort Belvedere in 2021. Musée d’Histoire – citadelle de Belfort
Vases made by the CIAV, centre international d’art verrier de Meisenthal: colorless glass blown in the mold, addition of a base, various top finishes (hot trimming or cold transfer), multi-layer sandblasted decoration graphic design assistants: Éloïse Ravet and Ramzi Naffah.
Le pou, 2021
Sculpture in papier-mâché and plaster on wire mesh and wooden frame, 280 x 175 x 85 cm
Produced in Strasbourg with Jacques Tilly & Team in January 2021, with the students of the Haute école des arts du Rhin and their teachers. Volume design: Jacques Tilly. Color design: Lisa Dünnwald
Réconciliation, 2021-2022
2 photographs, 101 x 77 cm, shot at Bastion 14, Strasbourg, July 2020, based on Réconciliation. Tu ne tueras plus by Émile Derré (1924), with Vera Mallien, Étienne Arthur, Hajo Meyer.
Project realized with the Musée alsacien de Strasbourg and La Chambre, Strasbourg. First exhibition curated by Marie Pottecher, director of the musée alsacien. With the support of the Musées de la ville de Strasbourg, the city of Strasbourg, the région Grand Est and the DRAC Grand Est, Ministère de la culture.
With the collaboration of CIAV in Meisenthal, the town of Seebach, the Opéra National du Rhin, the Théâtre du Peuple in Bussang, the Musée de la Faïence in Sarreguemines, the Musée de l’Image in Epinal, the Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin, the Musée d’Histoire- Citadelle in Belfort.
The book “Souvenir d’Alsace” has been published by Les Editions des Musées de Strasbourg. Editorial director: Lize Braat. Graphic design: Léo Favier.
Texts by Marie Pottecher, Martine Sadion, Daniel Mollenhauer and Bertrand Tillier.
* Photographic credit for reproductions of the Ex-voto cups, the gingerbreads (Kriegslebkuchen) and the dishes of the Paradis perdu set: Service photographique des musées de Strasbourg/ Mathieu Bertola.