Sometime, you sit your ass in a crossroad and wonder if you’ll choose the school of Caravagio or the one of Vermeer… My heart is in between. I love the light in everywhere, like if the light was coming from the subject itself, and also, I love to bring my own light in a context which has a particular light, a usual one. When a place is dark, it’s just a fantaisy to decide to light it all, to see what you’re not usually seeing. I went this time at the RUDAS bath, in Budapest, one of the oldest public baths of the town, that I discovered 8 years ago (while I was doing the Sihuhu series in Hungary). I really wanted to do a project there, something dealing with old bodies. I felt that nudity (not complete) would be interesting for me if there’s really a reason why the person I photograph are nude for a real reason. And this public bath have been the best place – almost mythologic – to face the old nudity, the body as it is and not as we wish it to be.